Develop the

Confidence and Self Mastery

to end the sabotage and BE the version of you that’s waiting to LIVE FULLY!.



You are meant to thrive and live with JOY.

So, it’s time to end the sabotage, procrastination and staying stuck in the old ways that suck the life out of you and exhaust you.

Silently shaming yourself for not being “enough” while you do so much for everyone else…

You are here to ENJOY a prosperous life. Which, for MOST women in their 40’s and 50’s means RE-INVENTING their relationship with themSELVES, and making new choices that honour who they are at the core.
Typically women have put themselves last.

The truth is, unless you commit to yourself, to create the changes you want, life will look very similar 12 months from now, even 5 years from now.

So, no more living by that little voice that keep’s telling you that “you can’t, because…”.

This is your time to RISE.

Do you still hear the same stories in your head, about “not being good enough or worthy enough?” or “who do you think you are to be doing that?”

Do you feel frustrated that you “know” so much about personal growth, but you STILL aren’t creating the real results in your life that you really want?

How often do you catch yourself in that sabotaging pattern of behaviour AGAIN?

If you’re tired of feeling unfulfilled, when you know that so much more is possible, then I invite you to let this be a moment you pause and make a different choice.

Do you want to change that and create the habits that SUPPORT you instead of hold you back.

Do you want to change that and create the habits that SUPPORT you instead of hold you back?

Of course you do.

You already know that the “inner work” is the key. I’m going to SHOW you, and SUPPORT you to evolve your mindset, your habits and your behaviours that will help you to build your confidence and resilience.

Whatever you want to create in life IS possible, but you must grow to be the woman who can have it.


Creating a higher level of awareness, will take you from the place you are right now, to where you want to be…and be WHO you want to be (that’s the secret sauce).

When you change your habits you change your life.

Trust me, I know from painful experience.

I used to constantly sabotage myself and holding back. I lived with a constant for fear of failure, or worrying what others thought, to living with confidence, clarity and connection with my desire, taking committed action every day towards the next level of my life.

Since CHOOSING to commit to my own RE-INVENTION, I have literally travelled the world, trained with the BEST in the fields of business and personal development, and created a thriving business and a community of women who are living their best lives.

Over two decades of working 1-2-1 with teachers, mentors and coaches, I have come to understand what is really happening on the inside, which is influencing the results on the OUTSIDE.

If I can do it, you can do this too.

If you are reading this, know that it’s not an accident.

I’ve witnessed many divinely-timed moments in both my business and in my life, to now see that everything is occurring perfectly to teach us what we need to learn…

So how do you RE-INVENT yourself and your situation so that the fearful saboteur doesn’t run the show in your head anymore?

You develop PERSONAL LEADERSHIP and commit to doing the inner work that will re-condition your mind and your emotions and practices, over a long enough period of time so that it becomes your new NORMAL.

I created “RE-INVENTED” after years and years of working with people who wanted “more” from their results, but were stuck in conditioned habits that they couldn’t break free from.

So, this is your invitation to do the work. Together. Thoroughly and rigorously, in a supported way, so that you actually do the work to change your inner world and allow a new life to emerge.

Re-Invention is a Practice

A transformative time of PRACTICAL INTEGRATION of teaching, guidance, connection and accountability to build new habits and ways of BEING.
New outcomes and circumstances can only follow if change happens.
It takes only 66 days to build a new habit, but the KEY that most people struggle with is CONSISTENCY.

Through the practices in “Re-Invented” you will begin to feel clear, confident and resilient, able to take action with new habits that support you.

What is “Re-Invented” Group Coaching and Mentoring?

Re-Invented Group Coaching and Mentoring is a 90 day practical and experiential programme which teaches, guides and supports you to a new way of showing up for yourself so that you can CREATE what you want in any area of your life.


  • Part One:

    The Vision & Clarity – Getting crystal clear on your most inspired goals and desires for both life and/or business Identify WHAT IS GETTING IN THE WAY, and discover how to get past it….so you can BECOME the person who can create what she wants..

    You will build TRUST in yourself, and show yourself that you can do it. …KNOWING that you are WORTHY of the most fulfilling life.

    Value £997

  • Part Two:

    The Mindset Audit and Upgrade – how to think and speak like a thriving, confident YOU and let go of the blocks and barriers to creating the most juicy outcomes you desire in your life.

    Embrace a new level of thinking, and speaking so that you have the confidence and belief to become unstoppable. Kick fear to the curb and start living a new level of personal freedom. Change the old self-image into one which truly serves you and represents your highest self.

    Value £997

  • Part Three:

    The Reality Check

    What’s working and what’s not? Identify one or two CORE things that YOU want to change, based on what IS and ISN’T working in your life. Creating NEW beliefs and behaviours that will support you. We will design these so that they are completely personal to you.

    Value £997

  • Part Four:

    The Practice:

    A supported, accountable DAILY PRACTICE that will enable you to transform and upgrade YOU so that you never go back to the old self and you build the inner infrastructure to propel you into a whole new level of happiness and performance. Breaking down the old patterns of behaviour and reconstructing new ones creates to enable you to create exciting new results.

    This programme will teach you how to break out of your own box and create the FREEDOM that you want to experience.

    Value £997

How it works:

12 weekly live group training calls on core subjects essential for personal growth and self-re-inveniton (recorded so you can listen again)
12 Video Training Modules with Practical Exercises to complete each week.
Daily connection and additional group support (Facebook)
Templates and resources to support your personal journey and practice

Investment: £997

You are receiving over £3997 of training and support and over 20 years of women’s empowerment experience personal leadership and coaching experience .

The investment options:

Pay in full and receive the following extra value bonuses

  • Money Mindset Training Modules
    Value £197

  • A 90 minute personal coaching session with me
    Value £297

  • Total Price: £997

  • (Total Value: £3688)

Instalment Payments are also available:

Pay in Full £997


A Butterfly is a beautiful and powerful symbol of transformation… permanent change that takes it into a new life. When you commit to your own transformation, you develop a power that you never knew you had… Dawn Grossart


“Dawn helped me get total clarity on how to reach my clients.”
“Dawn provided marketing coaching for me and my business at a time when I was re-designing my whole business offering. She coached me to develop a new strategy and elevate my pricing strategy. She helped me get total clarity on who really connected with me and how to reach my clients. Dawn is highly approachable, friendly, professional, knowledgeable, supportive and able to ask the right (and sometimes challenging) questions to help you grow. In fact her coaching approach was exactly what I needed and I now see the benefits for my business. I am now clear as to my approach and direction and am seeing great results.”Danielle Barbereau

“I know I can expect big results.”
“Dawn is a marketing guru with the knowledge and skills to make a huge difference to your business. She is able to really understand a businesses challenges and see effective and appropriate solutions. I have worked with Dawn to review the marketing approach of my own business and I know I can expect big results, plus how to really align myself so that I am to go out and create the business I really desire.”Sarah Olsen

“Dawn helps removes obstacles which are preventing you from living your best life and creating the big success you desire.”
“Dawn is a wonderful coach to work with. Her intuition and insight gently but very professionally guide you to remove obstacles which are preventing you from living your best life and creating the success you desire.It’s then easy to see a clear path in front of you and to both believe and SEE that you really can reach your goals. I would recommend anyone who is looking to break through to the next level in their lives and business to stop putting their dreams on hold and work with her NOW!” Sarah Walton

“I now have a plan, confidence in my ability to achieve results and the knowledge of how to create what I really want.” “Dawn, I don’t know how to thank you enough for the total turnaround that has happened during our time working together! I can’t praise you enough because you have made a huge difference to my life.I now feel totally connected with a business that is truly in alignment with my values, my experience and my passion – thank you for helping me to get there with that. I also have a completely different perspective on money, and how to end the scarcity I felt, and was experiencing. Your marketing expertise and Women’s Success Coaching is so powerful.I now have a plan, more confidence in my ability to achieve results and the knowledge of how to create what I really want – I can’t wait to get started on our next phase and to creating the revenue I know that is possible. Huge thanks.” Lis Roche Halberstadt

“Working with Dawn has helped me to make the essential changes that will help me take my music out the the world in a bigger, more meaningful way.”
“Before we worked together I knew I had great product – but Dawn’s professional business and coaching experience has shown me how I reach the right people in the right way to optimise my financial return AND enjoy the process of being creative and having fun in the process.What I especially love, is Dawn’s very unique blend of personal and business coaching. I’ve already made great progress, launched my first product, got my website live and and very excited about what we’re doing next! I couldn’t have done this without Dawn’s help. Thank you!”

Elyse Rogers, Singer/Song Writer