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4 Easy Productivity Mindset Hacks for Entrepreneurs

A clear workspace boosts productivity

A clear workspace boosts productivity

Mastering your Productivity is a key to rapid growth in your business.

Over 50% of entrepreneurs are cited to experience experience anxiety, overwhelm and procrastination in the process of building their business. This keeps a LOT of people from achieving the success they desire. A Focussed Productivity Strategy is a sure way to breakthrough this

So, if you want to become more productive, it’s essential to look at what’s going on between your temples. Your mindset is 80% of success, and having clear, focussed implementable strategies, with clear time boundaries is essential…

Here’s what I’ve found to be the simplest, most effective “hacks’ to short cut creating results…

1) Having a clear plan and strategy so you that you can focus your attention and energy on the right things to be productive. Remember that “Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication” (Da Vinci) and it’s of DOING TOO MANY THINGS that often gets in the way of results.

2) Create a schedule that is designed around you and your productivity so that you have a LIFE, and you are not being a slave to your business.

3) Commit to Mindset development work so that you can literally operate differently internally on a daily basis, taming any inner critic voice and self-sabotage. This is 80% of success.

4) A recognition of what is and isn’t working, and effective evaluation so that you can make different, more impactful choices to boost your productivity. 

There are many more ways to boost your productivity and your personal performance, based on what your goals and challenges are.

I’ve devised a NEW and VERY ACCESSIBLE way specifically to support you in boosting productivity and results.  

If you’d like to know more, click here to arrange a Complimentary Consultation:

Choose to take this opportunity and make a change for YOU, {!firstname_fix}, not only do you deserve it…your friends, family and loved ones do too…

How to Beat the Thief of Life – FEAR!

I know that feeling. A yearning inside to be living life differently, BEING a different version of you.  I’ve never met anyone yet who didn’t have a fear-based story that was in some way holding them back from their full potential.

To borrow Oprah Winfrey’s words, “this is what I know for sure”.    Unless you are in immediate physical danger, in which case you need to get to safety, then the fear that you feel is a projection if an imagined outcome.

Fear is a powerful cocktail of thoughts and emotion that feels like the situation or outcome is real. Often, you feel that the imagined “dire consequences” would have such a big impact on you and your life… so you stay safe and don’t risk it.  Thinking “It’s safer to stay with what you know and who you are”.

In those moments, the world is robbed of you showing up as in some way that could really make a difference for others – and YOU are robbed of growth and an opportunity to transform your situation or experience.

Overcoming Fear:

Here’s what I do. I sit and close my eyes.  I imagine the life I desire and how much it would mean to me – and how much it would mean to others I know, love and care about to be living that way. 

Then, I look at the worst imagined outcome and think, “Could I handle it if this happened”? This is my yardstick measure. 

Inevitably, I see I CAN handle the outcomes, and I CHOOSE to TRUST myself more each time the fear comes up to do the steps so I CAN DO the thing that has me feeling afraid. Fear is guiding the way to your dream life. What you desire is ALWAYS on the other side of you fear. 






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6 Steps to Making “Freedom” a Reality

Freedom to Choose is YOURS.

A woman in her power is liberated to live how she chooses.

Freedom. It’s the dream of almost every woman I speak “to have time and money freedom, so I can live how I choose”.

There has never been such an opportunity-rich time to pursue the lifestyle of flexible living – especially to be an entrepreneur. The wealth of internet based opportunities and network marketing franchises available is increasing rapidly every single week.

So, why are there not more people actually experiencing it for themselves?

Well, in the last few months I’ve seen many people express the desire, but then shy away from what it really takes to make it happen. So I’ve suggested how YOU can make it happen for you.

6 steps that will help you get there:

  1. Get very CLEAR about what you want and why you want FREEDOM in your life is the first step in the process to create it. Without it it – the rest is incredibly difficult. Your “Big Why” really matters.
  2. KNOW YOURSELF enough to know what might stop you and finding the “edges” of your comfort zone and how you’ll react when you are out of it. It’s like letting go of the side of the swimming pool and swimming in the deep water when you can’t put your feet down.  The feelings similar – you’ll feel a little fear and uncertainty, then realise that you CAN do it!
  3. Learn to think constructively, positively, and optimistically. Going beyond realistic, and into the realm of “anything is possible” and “I’m going to find a way”. However, creating new neural pathways in the brain is a matter of repetition and practice.
  4. Become GREAT at delegating and receiving help. You can’t create freedom if you’re DOING everything. It’s just not possible.
  5. Master Time and Money – both are essential if you want to have more freedom with both. If you’re not effectively managing what you have now, the how can be trusted with more?
  6. Get Accountability and Support – every successful entrepreneur realises that the fastest way to success is the most effective way to create results.

Audit those areas and see how’re you doing. If you’re not yet where you want to be, it’s time for a rethink. Time for some specific guidance and steps. You can get in touch at The most EXCITING thing is, there IS a way to create both time and money freedom… It’s about who you become in the process that is the most interesting part. The confidence and inner strength that comes with the freedom is worth its own weight in gold.

**Image Credit: Migrating Miss.

How A Problem-Solving Mindset Helps You To Make More Money

If you ever find yourself saying the words “I can’t afford it” it’s time to know the real truth behind this.  You really can change it forever and it’s not a pie-in-the-sky dream.

Discover How to Problem Solve to make more money

Discover How to Problem Solve to make more money

A little background and context here might perhaps help first.

Like many people, I was brought up to believe that money was a scarce resource and that “it didn’t grow on trees”.

When I was shown that there really is no lack of money in the world, everything changed.  I started to see how I was personally responsible for everything I was experiencing, and that I have the power to change it. As do you. 

If you don’t have enough money for how you want to be living – let’s say you want to buy a new car, invest in yourself and your business, or even book an adventure trip you’ve been wanting to take, anything….essentially it’s a “problem” you can solve and I’d like to show you how.  

You get to choose that you’re done with the struggle of “not enough-ing” and decide you’re going to do what is needed to have the life that you really want. 

You see, every “successful” person you might look up to and admire has been through the same kind of journey.  Expanding awareness about their own personal power and exactly how to direct it in their life to get the results they want.

So, if money is not a scarce resource and there truly is an abundance, what’s going on for you if you “don’t have enough” to be living the life you really want to be living?

The day I read the words “Money’s Not The Problem, You Are” I had a massive wake up call and I saw that creating money is a beautiful experience of really learning to love yourself first, and then choosing to focus on creating so much value in the lives of others that you make a really significant difference – taking fear and lack out of the equation, and building a whole new approach to self-trust and self-confidence – as well as mastering good habits in making, managing and multiplying your money.

This will probably require some change and challenge – because it means doing things differently, and THIS is where your problem-solving skills come to the fore.

3 Steps to Problem-Solving:

Get very clear on the issue and write it out fully so that you can appreciate the scope of the “problem”
Prioritise 1-3 things that you can do today that will take you a step closer to a solution
Identify a source of support and help so you’re not facing it alone, if that’s appropriate
Make a decision that you will reach solution by a certain date and get very clear on what you’re prepared to do by when.
Take action.

In the process of problem-solving, you’ll probably find that you have to change your thinking and your habits. While this is itself can sometimes be a tricky process – one that is often best supported by someone who can you help you be accountable – it’s a also a fantastic opportunity to grow your wisdom, meet new vibrant people and discover how to evolve your own life in such a way that you become happier, more fulfilled and enjoy a more engaged with life in a much bigger way.

When “Wealth Consciousness” entered my own conscious in this way, the windows were thrown wide open on a whole new world of possibility and potential revealed itself.

Who do you have to become in order to experience the life you dream of? What “Problem” or challenge is there in front of you that could open the door to the wealth you desire for a more evolved way of life?

“Problems” all have solutions – including money – so I lovingly encourage you to become a master problem-solver and find the answers that will help you!

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